

Published (year)
Band / Artist

The last in the solo trilogy. This album came in 2007 and the music and the lyrics were much more upbeat and pop-oriented than previous. Fuður did feature lots of guest players and singers, like Jakop F. Magnússon, Jojo, Hara Sisters, Dan Cassidy, Jón Ólafssn and his friend from Nydönsk, Björn Jörundur, who duet with Gummi on the track "Ilmurinn"“ (The Scent). Other songs that got airplay were; "Nema kraftaverk komi í ljós" (Unless There's A Miracle), "Ég hef engu gleymt " (I Remember Everything) and "Syngdu með mér lag" (Syng A Song With Me) a duet with Jojo.